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Configuration Parameters

All clients and listeners share a basic set of configuration parameters. These parameters can be extended with listener-specific configuration parameters if necessary.

The basic parameters are:

  • orangebeard.endpoint - You Orangebeard instance url
  • orangebeard.accessToken - Your listener API access token
  • orangebeard.project - The project to report to
  • orangebeard.testset - The testset name to report
  • orangebeard.description - [Optional] The description for the test run
  • orangebeard.attributes - [Optional] Attributes to set to the test run
  • orangebeard.ref.url - [Optional] A reference link for the test run
  • - [Optional] A property file name that can contain all parameters above


Parameters can be provided using environment variables, or using a (java) properties file, i.e. When no configuration is explicitly provided by a listener, the client will default to configuration from or environment variables.
By default, environment variables take precedence over properties specified in a properties file when both are present: A configuration object is created in the following order:

  1. Read the properties file (if present)
  2. Read environment variables (using . as a separator)
  3. Read environment variable (using _ as a separator; replaces . with _ in property names)

It is allowed to combine environment and properties.

E.g. endpoint, token, project from environment and testset information from a properties file. This allows for flexible configuration in your pipelines.

Configuration example

The following example configuration shows how a properties file can be combined with setting environment variables to create a dynamic configuration for your project.

Properties file


Environment variables (C#)

Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("orangebeard.accessToken", Secrets.getAccessToken());
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("orangebeard.fileupload.patterns", @".*\.txt;.*\.bat");
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("orangebeard.ref.url", $"https://ci-server/build/{buildNumber}");

any combination that leads to at least a configured endpoint, accessToken, project and testset is considered valid.