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Admin Panel

The admin panel is visible only to users with the Administrator role and can be accessed by clicking the Admin Panel menu item in the sidebar.

All users

The All users tab provides a list of users, the number of available seats in your subscription (if applicable) and allows to configure or delete existing users, and add new users.
The currently existing user accounts are listed, displaying their username, e-mail address and assigned projects.

Adding users

This feature only applies if user management is done through the Orangebeard UI. If SSO is configured, users are managed through your own IDP.

To add a new user, click the Add user button on the top right. The Add user modal window will now be displayed, allowing you to fill user details.

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Fill out the user details and click Create to save the user.


It is good practice not to share the generated password with the user. Instead, let the user create a personal password using the Forgotten your password? link on the login page.

Removing users

To remove a user, click the user's Delete button. After confirming the warning, the user will be deleted from Orangebeard and will no longer be able to log in.


Deleting a user is irreversible! Test runs and analyses created by the user will remain in the application.

Assigning/Revoking admin rights

To assign Administrative rights to a user, click the Make admin button in the user's row. After confirming the action, the user will be able to perform all administrative tasks in the application.

Administrators have a button Revoke admin to revoke administrative rights. After administrative rights are revoked, the user will still be able to use Orangebeard, but will no longer have access to the administrative tasks.


Administrators can not revoke their own administrative rights. This ensures that there is always at least 1 administrative user in the application.


At the top of the user list, the number of seats used and total number of seats in your plan are displayed. When the number of seats equals the total number of available seats, creating new users is no longer possible. Upgrade your plan to add more users.

There is a special ci-user that does not take a seat. This user can report test runs from your pipelines, but is not able to log in to the application's user interface.


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Managing workspaces

In workspace management, workspaces can be created, updated and deleted. To select the workspace to update or delete, click the workspace in the left column on the page. The workspace details will then be displayed.

Adding a workspace

To add a workspace, click the Add workspace button. A new workspace (Workspace 1) will appear. It can now be configured like any existing workspace.

Configuring a workspace

The workspace configuration allows for the following parameters to be configured:

  • Workspace name: Click the workspace name in the main configuration window to make it editable. Choose a new, unique workspace name and press the checkmark to save the new name
  • Workspace projects: Check the boxes for all projects that should be in this workspace. If personal projects need to be added, these can be made visible with the Show personal projects toggle.

A project can be assigned to multiple workspaces!


A note about project visibility: when a user has access to at least one project in a workspace, the workspace overview cards for all projects in that workspace will be displayed on the workspace overview. The user will not be able to view test execution details for the projects the user is not assigned to, nor will the user be able to select those projects from the project selector.

This can be leveraged to create a high-level dashboard for users that do not require full project access.

Deleting a workspace

To delete a workspace, select it in the left column and press the Delete workspace button on the bottom right. After confirmation, the workspace will be deleted.
When a workspace is deleted, it will no longer be displayed in the project selection drop down. Users will then have to access the projects through another workspace, or the All projects option in the project selection drop-down.

All projects

The All projects tab displays all configured projects in the application and provides a shortcut to the project's members project management page.

Every user is assigned a username_personal project by default, that serves as a sandbox for users. When such project needs to be manged from here, click the Show personal projects toggle.

Adding a project

To add a new project, click the Add project button, provide a project name and press Create.


Projects can be created, but not removed. To render a project invisible to users and disallow collection of results for the project, unassign all members from it.

Managing project members

Using the Edit members button for each project, the user navigates to the project management page for the selected project.


All of our APIs publish their respective Swagger documentation in the API tab in the admin panel for maximum transparency.


Only the listener API can be accessed using the user's listener token. The other APIs have 2 types of endpoints: /ui/* and /api/*. Only the UI endpoints are accessible to the user, using the user's KeyCloak login token.

API summaries

The test results API holds all test output of test runs that have finished.